St. Michael's is a member congregation of the New England Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. This is Christ's church. There is a place for you here. We are the church that shares a living, daring confidence in God's grace. Liberated by our faith, we embrace you as a whole person—questions, complexities and all. Join us as we do God's work in Christ's name for the life of the world. Learn more at
We are a people passionately committed to rolling up our sleeves and engaging with the vast needs of our times, as well as the complex questions that surround us. Lutherans are people of grace, God's grace. When we are at our best, we embody it in our words and our actions. At the same time, we make no pretense of being a perfect people. Instead we consider ourselves, “sinners anonymous,” people who are deeply hungry for God in Christ in our lives and our world. Learn more at