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Ways to Give
You are encouraged to utilize a form of
eGiving because it is safe and easy. Regardless of how you choose to support your church, thank you in advance for your generosity.
Online Gift: If you would like to make a one-time gift to St. Michael's or if you would
like to set up a regular giving pattern, please click here.
We participate in, a convenient, safe and simple way for individuals
to make automatic gifts to St. Michael's by electronic funds transfer (EFT) directly from checking or savings accounts or by credit card
(St. Michael's will be charged EFT or credit card fees).
Mobile App Gift: Download the app from the
App Store or on
Google Play, search exactly for “St Michael Lutheran
Church” by name (no “.” or “s”) If you are in church you can search for nearest church.
Online Banking Gift: You can also setup regular giving via online banking with your personal
Mail Gift: Mail your offering to St. Michael's Lutheran Church, PO Box 1508, New
Canaan, CT 06840
Each year, members of the congregation are invited to make an annual financial pledge to the church. Our financial gifts support St. Michael's itself and fund mission programs beyond our doors. Financial giving can be done in any interval the member chooses — weekly, monthly, annually — and can even be set up to be electronically auto-recurring.
There are also many opportunities for members to share their time and skills at St. Michael's — another form of practicing faithful and generous stewardship. From serving on the Church Council or on one of the church's numerous standing committees to volunteering to participate in a specific area of interest, there's something for everyone. We have Education, Evangelism, Fellowship, Finance, Property, Social Ministry, Stewardship, and Worship and Music committees, all in need of members to help lead the congregation in those areas. There are also opportunities to usher, serve on Altar Guild, sing in the choir, teach Sunday School, host Coffee Hour after worship, and so much more. We welcome any and all volunteers, and look forward to having you join in the fun and fellowship of being an active member of the St. Michael's family! If you're interested in sharing your time and talents in any of these areas, our Pastor would be happy to answer your questions or provide you with more information.